Electronic Construction Bid Submission
Quick Start
Construction Buyers Guide
Basic Steps:
- Create Jobsite
- Create Bid Project
- Setup Bid Project
- Invite Contractors/Bids
- Analyze Bid Submissions
Basic Steps:
- Create Jobsite
- Create Bid Project
- Setup Bid Project
- Invite Contractors/Bids
- Analyze Bid Submissions
Complete Users Guide (2MB)
Step I
Setup a Jobsite:
Select the New Property button from the Property Dashboard. Property setup steps through three pieces of information contractors need to submit qualified bids.
1: Property Type / Identifiers
2: Jobsite Location / Address
3: Basic Building Information
Users are returned to the Property Dashboard when building information is save.
Step II
Setup a Construction Bid:
Bid Projects are setup from the Property Dashboard. Select a property from the table to load asset data. Then, press the New Bid Project button.
1: Construction Trade
2: Bidders (# of)
3: Estimated Start Date
Users are redirected to the Bid Project Dashboard when project details are saved.
Step III
Bid Projects
Bid Projects are configured and managed through the administrators (buyer) dashboard. Construction bid projects are best configured following a recommended series of steps and order of entry. The recommended order depends on whether administrators will self manage, engage a consultant or use eScope™ to configure project parameters.
In all cases, the “Submit-To” contact is the first entry.
eScope™ Tools
eScope™ Tools configure both the primary scope of work and line items by entering specifics about project details based on the construction trade users select.
1: Submit To
2: Scope of Work -> eScope™
3: Line Items
4: Project Users
5: Project Schedule
6: User Invitations
Once users define project parameters the configuration tools automatically enter a Scope of Work and Line Items for review, editing and any preferred refinements.
Bid Projects configured and managed entirely by the administrators (buyer) has some flexibility but make sure these steps are followed before inviting users to bid.
1: Submit To
2: Scope of Work*
3: Line Items
4: Project Schedule
5: Users
6: User Invitations
Project data is visible to all users included in Project Members list. Those with existing RFQ Guides user accounts do not need to be invited. Use the invite form to send free login credentials to new RFQ users.
Bid Projects configured with the help of third parties like consultants should follow the order below so these users can provide the necessary assistance.
1: Submit To
2: Users
3: User Invitations
4: Scope of Work*
5: Line Items*
6: Contractor Invites
* Third party consultants typically complete the Scope of Work and Line Item price requirements.