Digital Bid Submission

Electronic Construction Bid Submission

Collect Construction Bids Digitally

Property and facility managers, builders, general contractors and homeowners can now request contractors submit rates for construction and construction related property services using the cloud to structure bids for apple to apples comparison and reliable price analysis.

Electronic Construction Bid Submission

eScope™ Roofing

Automated scope of work and price models for home and office buildings


eScope™ AI takes advantage of digital construction resources to automatically generate professional price model for your project. Quickly define a scope of work, line items and pricing options for construction and related property services that protect buyer interests.


eScope™ AI takes advantage of digital construction resources to automatically generate professional price model for your project.

eScope AI Generated Scope of Work
Quickly define a scope of work, line items and pricing options for construction and related property services that protect buyer interests.
eScope AI Generated Scope of Work

Structured Pricing

Professional price models define how service providers submit rates, automates analysis of contractor bids and review of project options. Structured price models offer users a simple apples-to-apples comparison.

eScope™ by RFQGuides leverages AI, industry insight and our technical expertise to automatically generate Structured Pricing™ formats for construction in each trade.

Structured Pricing

Professional price models define how service providers submit rates, automates analysis of contractor bids and review of project options. Structured price models offer users a simple apples-to-apples comparison.

Bid Price Review
eScope™ by RFQGuides leverages AI, industry insight and our technical expertise to automatically generate structured bid formats for construction in each trade.
Bid Price Review

Digital Bid Submissions

Effortlessly delivered to your desktop. Say goodbye to unwanted emails and sales pitches with our cloud-based price submission. Create a secure barrier between your home or office and contractors submitting prices.

Price Quote vs. Bid Price

The primary difference between a contractor quote and a bid is who writes the scope of work (SOW). It also defines who the SOW and subsequently the contract or agreement favors.

Bid Price Analysis

Structured price models simplify bid price reviews. Technology automatically presents contractor results side-by-side.

Bid Price Review

Building Information Models

Building Information Models
Import your building information models (BIM) to simplify bid project setup. Edit, adjust and update parameters as necessary while building your project specifications.
Building Information Models